Friday 15 December 2017

Warner Bros. Studio Tour Trip

On Tuesday 12th December my youngest son, fiancΓ©e and I visited the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Watford.

We'd had this tour booked since the summer and it felt like an eternity before our visit came round.

As I was on my annual vacation I decided to make our visit stretch over a few days so we went down on the Monday and stayed in a local hotel. 

We almost thought we wasn't going to be going on this trip at all as the weekend before we had a terrible down pour of snow and to make matters worse so did Watford and the surrounding area, but thankfully we were still able to go.

As I said due to the terrible downpour of snow we decided to wait till about lunch time before we set off giving the roads and more importantly the motorways time to clear of morning traffic, thankfully this worked although it was slow going with snow and ice and stranded cars along the way we arrived at our hotel safely.

Once we had checked in to our hotel we freshened ourselves up and went out for tea, we had a lovely meal and Frankie and Benny's then called it a night as we were shattered.

The day we'd waited like an eternity for had finally arrived, our time to take our tour of the Warner Bros. Studio.

We parked up with excitement in our eyes as we looked at the building with the huge Warner Bros. Studio sign above the entrance way and thought, finally we're here and we can't wait to take our tour.

Once we'd collected our tickets and made our way through security we queued up with all the others in our time slot allocation period and eagerly awaited our tour to begin.

The first two rooms you go in to are mini cinema rooms where you hear about how the book JK Rowling wrote was brought to life on the big screen then you watch a mini segment involving Ron, Hermione and Harry Potter himself, then by magic (I won't spoil how) your next transported in to the great hall and the tour begins.

After the part in the great hall is over you are free to do the rest of the tour at your own pace and decision making, along the way children and adults alike can follow the Harry Potter Passport and get a collector's stamp in the various areas whilst also hunting and trying to find the hidden golden snitches, something which Hayley won't mind me saying she really enjoyed doing as was gutted she only missed finding one πŸ˜”πŸ˜”.

Around the tour there is many many many photo opportunities for you to take as well as professional photo opportunities for you to have done and you to purchase.

Half way through the tour there is a lunch and toilet break opportunity where you can buy different foods and drinks but most importantly you can purchase the famous butterbeer, which obviously we didn't pass up the opportunity of doing so, we both enjoyed.

We continued through the rest of the tour taking in all the different fact and interesting points and secrets about how the books were brought to life and how much work really goes in to all the film's, right back from words on JK Rowling's pages through to what you see on the big screen.

We thoroughly enjoyed our Studio Tour and would highly recommend it to anyone thinking of going.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Reflection On The Past Few Months

As you may or may not know my children moved away to live with their mum at the end of May on the very same day my fiancee and my children was born.

Yes it was a day of joy as our little prince finally made his appearance in this big wide world but the day was also filled with much sadness as on that day my three children moved away to live their new life up North with their mum and her partner.

Since little mans birth it's been a up and down journey adjusting to life with a new born to look after and also no longer having my children around to see as often as I'd like to.

This week in itself brings anither new chapter in both mine and my fiancee life as both our little princesses start full time school, it only seems like yesterday when they were born now they like thousands of other children across the country are starting their journey in the education path of life.

Although I'll be here for my fiancee when she gets upset that her little princess isn't around every afternoon I will at the same time be very sad by the fact that I won't be able to watch my princess queue up to start her first full day at school, I won't be there to reassure her that it'll be ok and she'll make new friends and she'll have a wonderful time and that saddens me to be honestly.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Moving Away

As alot of you are aware almost two years ago my wife and I seperated and at the time I won't lie it was without a shadow of a doubt the most painful thing I had ever had to deal with in my life, after all I had been with her for half of my life then all of a sudden our relationship was no more.

Fast forward to June 2017 and I now have to deal with something I knew one day would occur but I secretly hoped would never happen, my children are moving away to start a new life with their mum and her partner up North.

They will no longer be just on the doorstep they will be hundreds of miles away but like a good friend of mine said " least their only up North not the other side of the world", I know that their only moving up Leeds direction but even that is three plus hours away from where they live now which is only about three minutes away not three hours away lol.

Alot has changed in the last two years, I am now happily engaged to the most amazing women in the whole world and we are expecting our first child any day now.

 I'm super excited and can't wait to meet our little one and introduce her/him to the world but unfortunately at the same time I have that dark cloud hanging over me bringing me sadness that my children will be moving away next week and may miss their brother or sister's birth.

I know beyond anything and everything I will love all my children the same and always be there for each and everyone of them but still I can't help but feel my heart will be slightly empty with them gone.

Thankfully though me and their mum are on good terms and through that I know I will see them when they have time to visit and equally when I have time to visit them and there is always that thing ... What's it called again πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” oh yes whatspp I can use to keep in contact.


Saturday 15 April 2017

Bob The Builder DVD Review


Are your children like mine do they love watching 

If the answer is yes then this dvd released by Abbey Home Media will be just perfect for them and it's packed with SEVEN fun filled episodes.

My kids couldn't wait to put this dvd on so much so that they even forgot to switch the dvd player on and wondered why the disk wouldn't go in lol.

This dvd is 70 minutes long and contains 7 different episodes :-

Dig This; 
Saffi’s Treehouse; 
Out of the Woods; 
Stormy Weather; 
Bear Mountain; 
Bentley’s Bones 
Home on the Range

This dvd is retailing at £5.99 on Amazon and HMV online at the time of writing this review and to be honest that is I think a very reasonable price for a children's dvd packed full of their favourite episodes.

I was sent this dvd as a review item and all content is my own.