Thursday 25 July 2013

Time To Meet Mr Sponge Bob Square Pants

Today we took the kids to see sponge bob square pants at Merry Hill Centre.

We were on this occasion lucky enough not to need to queue to get tickets to this meet and greet as Tammy has won a VIP pass through some recent competition she had taken part in.

Before the meet and greet the boys were able to go on a bounce castle play area, which helped burn off some of their energy.

We waiting patiently in the queue, well we waited patiently while the boys decided to be boys and jumped about and talked to everyone around us.

It was finally our turn to meet Sponge Bob Square Pants, the wait was longer then the actual greet lol. The boys seemed to enjoy themselves so that was a success.

They meet sponge bob, had their picture taken and received a sticker and a goodie bag so all was good in the end, happy children that's all we ever want lol.


  1. Yes they really enjoyed themselves, it git them out of the house for a few hours so all was a good afternoon in the end
