Wednesday 21 May 2014

B Is For .... Birthday Cake Alphabet Project

I am linking this post up with The Alphabet Project which is being run by Charly Dove.
 B Is For .... Birthday Cake 

 Yes I've chosen birthday cake for this letter as for my daughter's first birthday last year I thought at the time it would be a nice for daddy to attempt to cake her a birthday cake. 

 To be honest this was my first ever attempt at a birthday cake. I thought how hard can it be. Throw a few ingredients into a bowl, whisk them together add a splash of food colouring and whala baked cake. 

 Not being big headed but that's exactly what I did and as you can see frim the pictures below, a very impressive first attempt I must said lol. 

 That was my B Is For ..... 

 Stayed tuned for my C Is For ...... Post coming soon


  1. That looks really good, love making cakes, but so rubbish at icing! #alphabetphoto

  2. A great "B" to capture for posterity. I like how you stayed clear of the obvious pink. Assuming the coffee wasn't for her. #AlphabetPhoto

  3. I think this is a pretty great first attempt at a birthday cake, you should see some of the disasters I've had over the years. #alphabetphoto

  4. Looks like a great cake! It's always nice to make them isn't it, even if they don't turn out that great!

  5. That cake looks so yummy! Belated happy birthday to your daughter =) #alphabetphoto

  6. Wow, great first attempt at a cake! Love the colours!
    Thanks for linking up with #WeekendBlogHop!

  7. Birthdays is my theme this week too! That cake looks very scrummy :) #alphabetphoto

  8. Oh my goodness, that cake looks really tasty! lol #alphabetphoto

  9. Grace says - What a great cake. Well Done. MEGA Daddy points to you :) #alphabetphoto

  10. Well Done!! We'll be letting you know when it's our birthdays!!! #alphabethphoto

  11. Thanks everyone for ur lovely comments not only did we enjoy making the cake but the wasting part was great too lol

  12. That's a brilliant cake attempt! You should have seen mine, total disaster! Great B too - thanks for sharing with #alphabetphoto

  13. I think that is an awesome birthday cake and much better than I could do! Well Done :-)

  14. It looks like a tasty cake. I love baking and make birthday cakes for my two as well. So much cheaper and always personal :)

  15. That looks very yummy! My little boy turned 2 last weekend and I was going to make his cake but chickened out and ordered one instead :)

  16. It does look like a great cake, I love the bright colours. I chickened out of making my son's birthday cake this year...a Lightning McQueen cake was a stretch too far for my limited skills!
