Tuesday 6 May 2014

BlogOnMOSI Weekend Part Two

Although we were in a nice Travelodge room in a different part of the country guess what? ..... The kids still woke us up at stupid O'Clock on the Sunday morning, thankfully we had stuff planned so we had to get up unlike most Sundays where they could easily stay asleep lol.

We got up the kids had their breakfast, we got ourselves ready for the day ahead, checked the room for hidden toys or hiding clothes double checked just to make sure then we checked out and make our way to the Museum of Science and Industry otherwise known as MOSI.

We eventually found it thanks to road works and closed roads, we parked the car up said goodbye to the wife (who was off to BlogOnMOSI) and off we went on our daddy and children day out. I decided that we'd spend half the day at the National Football Museum and the other half of our day at MOSI. 

 The Football Museum was really really good, although the boys were too young to really know and understand what the museum was about they still enjoyed dressing up in old fashioned football tops, playing with all the interactive points and even making wax crayon rub badge prints. 

 After we'd finished at the museum we had a walk back through the town centre where we had lunch at the Arndale Centre, the boys surprised me completely by trying something new for their lunch, they had taco bell. 

 After lunch we made our way back to MOSI, where the kids got to play with various interactive puzzles and games whilst at the same time learning through play. 

 We were even able to walk round the Air and Space exhibition where we got to see various planes and vehicles from the past 100 years, we even had a mini picnic consisting of sweets,crisps, chocolates and pop (daddies treat for being so good) in the indoor picnic area. 

 It was eventually time to go and meet mummy out of BlogOnMOSI, we waited patiently on top of the stairs and waited and waited all the time i was trying to put faces to names of people I know from blogs and Twitter. 

 I was wondering if I'd ever put a face to a name then I spotted the lovely Claire Farmer who I briefly said hi to. 

I also bumped into and was able to chat to Pippa (RedRoseMummy) and Kerrie (WifeMumStudentBum) 'who were also lovely to meet. 

 Well eventually my wife came out, with her arms full of goodie bags. At this point I was introduced to the very lovely and chatty Claire (NeedAPhone)

 The boys ran at their mum, arms wide open and L-A shouted "mommmmy" at the top of her voice like she'd not seen her for ages. Well once the 'reunion' lol was done with we packed all of my wifes goodies into the car said good bye to her friends and started our journey back home.

Well thats how we spent our bank holiday weekend hope you had an enjoyable weekend too. 


  1. Sounds like you had a fab day. It was lovely to meet you and your little girl. I must take our kids to MOSI soon - I hadn't been for years and have forgotten how great it is for the little ones!

  2. Lovely to meet you and the kids and wife !!!

  3. Wow MOSI looks great! I can't wait to take my lg to places like the Science Museum, I love all the interactive bits x #binkylinky

  4. Looks like you had a great time, even if the kids did wake a little too early! Thanks for linking up to the #binkylinky

  5. Sounds like a great time was had by all. Would love to know what was in those goody bags ;) #BinkyLinky

  6. Sounds like you had a fab day, I was at Blog On MOSI last Sunday too and had a wonderful day, been on a bit of a bloggy high ever since :-) xx

  7. Your weekend sounded good fun! The football museum looks great fun and loved the learning through play too. Part one was nice too getting a day all together esp at the farm (nice stealth shot of 'Tom' btw!) x

  8. Sounds like a fab day!! I'm glad you all had a good time.

    Thanks for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x

  9. I love his face when he is eating that pizza? I envy your for seeing the faces behind great blogs. That is my dream but I am still too shy =) #magicmoments

  10. How lovely to get to meet bloggers in real life - not so easy for me, living over here in France, unless they come and visit our gite!
