Tuesday 26 August 2014

O Is For ....... Olympic Flame

I am linking this post up with the lovely Charly Dove 
and her wonderful Alphabet Project.

My O Is For ........ Olympic Flame.

June 30th 2012 was the date the Olympic Flame came to town.

We had all read or heard on the news that the flame had traveled through various other towns, cities and villages now it was our turn, Dudley was soon to see the Olympic Flame.

As you can see it was extremely busy and everyone wanted a glimpse of the flame to say that they had seen the flame to their friends, family members and even future kids and grand kids maybe. 

Well that's my O Is For .......

Stay tuned for my P Is For..........


  1. That must have been an exciting moment for you! #alphabetphoto

    1. Now doubt it would of been but I had to work my wife's and boys loved it though

  2. I really regret not going to see it but I was heavily pregnant and not in the mood for the crowds! Bet it was a great experience!

    1. I had to work so I didn't actually see it but my wife and boys loved seeing it
