Wednesday 18 February 2015

Our None TV Morning

Today I decided once the children had eaten breakfast we'd have a none TV morning.

At first the children didn't find this such a popular decision to be honest but once they realised this was how it was going to be they just got on and played.

They decided at first they'd play with their chuggington set, so we made some different sets.

Then they decided they wanted to play with their new jigsaws, which to be honest kept them quiet for a fair amount of time as they decided to turn it into a competition to see who could complete theirs first.

To finish the morning session off before lunch they decided to play shop, well their version of shops anyhows, they transformed their spiderman house into a shop and used their moshi monsters and their shopkins as customers and items on sale.

They all had their little moments like most children do but to be fair it was a fun happy morning.

Post Comment Love


  1. I am thinking about this in our school days. But TV is my clock actually and the programs in Cbeebies are my alarm on when to do this and that. But this is such a great idea and maybe its time for me to get a real clock instead of using the TV as one and maybe start school days TVless too #pocolo

    1. cheers for comment, to be fair that's what my wife normally does and it also helps my daughter know when to go fetch her brothers from school, but i decided we're on holiday so we'd have a no tv morning and how fun it was too.

  2. Oh bless them. It looks like the kids had a great time! We limit the TV over the school holidays to make sure that Grace does things like this - and she always has so much fun. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo :)

    1. Tbh school days and holiday times I try to balance both tv time and play time equally.

  3. Great idea to have a no tv morning, free play is great. That train set looks fantastic.
    Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids

    1. The train sets fab, we had so much fun that morning and no cbeebies or Disney channel in sight lol.

  4. Lucas says - Awesome idea!!! Some of the best days are away from the TV and it looks like you had a fab creative morning! Thanks for linking to #minicreations

    1. we had a great morning to be honest it's great to turn the TV off and play and have loads of fun playing.
