My Crazy Kids

My Crazy Kids

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Moving Away

As alot of you are aware almost two years ago my wife and I seperated and at the time I won't lie it was without a shadow of a doubt the most painful thing I had ever had to deal with in my life, after all I had been with her for half of my life then all of a sudden our relationship was no more.

Fast forward to June 2017 and I now have to deal with something I knew one day would occur but I secretly hoped would never happen, my children are moving away to start a new life with their mum and her partner up North.

They will no longer be just on the doorstep they will be hundreds of miles away but like a good friend of mine said " least their only up North not the other side of the world", I know that their only moving up Leeds direction but even that is three plus hours away from where they live now which is only about three minutes away not three hours away lol.

Alot has changed in the last two years, I am now happily engaged to the most amazing women in the whole world and we are expecting our first child any day now.

 I'm super excited and can't wait to meet our little one and introduce her/him to the world but unfortunately at the same time I have that dark cloud hanging over me bringing me sadness that my children will be moving away next week and may miss their brother or sister's birth.

I know beyond anything and everything I will love all my children the same and always be there for each and everyone of them but still I can't help but feel my heart will be slightly empty with them gone.

Thankfully though me and their mum are on good terms and through that I know I will see them when they have time to visit and equally when I have time to visit them and there is always that thing ... What's it called again 🤔🤔🤔🤔 oh yes whatspp I can use to keep in contact.


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