My Crazy Kids

My Crazy Kids

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Andrex Washlets Challenge

I was recently given the opportunity to take part in the Andrex Washlets Challenge against Pippa from Red Rose Mummy , at first I thought yeah why not sounds like it will be fun, but then when I read we'd got to do a video link up on Google+ hangout I suddenly changed my mindset lol as I don't usually like being in photos let alone videos but I thought why not give it a crack.

This challenge involved us have sixty seconds to describe words to the other person without using words off the 'forbidden' list, sounds easy I hear you say well not that easy to be honest, take a look at our attempt and see how easy it wasn't lol although it was very much fun.

There is a serious note to all this fun though, 2000 British adults were recently surveyed by Andrex Washlets to analyse their conversation and found that nearly half of Brits (47%) shy away from having conversations about difficult subjects – more of us shy away from talking about bathroom habits than mental health and sex!

In my opinion I'm not sure if men are better communicators then women and vice versa, women tend to talk a lot about stuff where as men get to the point a lot quicker. As our challenge showed Pippa and I both got the same score so maybe were equally good communicators.

At home both my wife and I are of few words lol but we do strongly like to get our point(s) made if we think were right lol.