My Crazy Kids

My Crazy Kids

Saturday, 28 September 2013

My Sunday Photo 29th September

This photo is of my two boys playing nicely with their duplo sets. To be honest it lasted for quite a while before they got bored and started arguing over the same man to put in their respective fire truck.



  1. Lovely photo, I love seeing them play nicely together

  2. Hi, from the linky!

    Nice to see children playing well together! Sweet pic!

    Molly xo

  3. I can still sit and play with Lego for hours!!! They look like they're having fun! #MySundayPhoto

  4. Great shot, must be so nice to see them playing well together :)

  5. Duplo and lego is a big favourite in this house.

    Thank you for linking up

  6. Thanks for all the comments folks they had a nice time playing together which can be very rare in our house lol

  7. Thanks for all the comments folks they had a nice time playing together which can be very rare in our house lol

  8. I love it when little ones play together nicely. Popping over from My Sunday Photo.x

  9. What is the secret to getting kids to play nicely together, it makes a lovely photo

  10. to be fair they play together for a bit then normally argue over something daft, amanda they just sit down and start playing then start arguing then stop playing with each other i terrible to say it just wait patiently for the arguing because i know it will come one day they will play nice together right through with no arguing well i can dream anyhow lol
