My Crazy Kids

My Crazy Kids

Thursday 2 April 2015

Easter Bonnet Parade

Last Friday was my boys last day of term at school before they broke up for Easter holidays and it was also TP's Easter Bonnet Parade, he was so so excited to show everyone his bonnet he had made with his mum during the week.

Once we'd arrived at nursery TP put his coat and bag away and with pride he put his Easter bonnet on the table with all the other children's bonnets.

There were lots of wonderful looking bonnets on display, small ones and tall ones, round ones and square ones, there was one with dinosaurs on it and even one that was designed to look like a  Minion.

Before it was to time to collect the kids at home time we along with all the other mums and dads gathered in the playground awaiting the arrival of the children to parade their fabulous bonnets.

The children appeared and walked around the playground showing off their bonnets with pride to everyone.

Three children's bonnets were chosen as the best three by the schools head teacher but there were no losers they all won a goodie bag full of chocolates and a certificate for participating in the parade.

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